Charles Smyth (003) and Pete Cochrane (002) form the band "Pete loves Chuck". (No lie)
Cash Carter (001) appropriates Dennie Carter's drumset. Chuck, Pete and Cash form a band which, in one of its first shows, claims the name "Snacky Poo". Another early moniker was "Wall of Koala"
They change the name to the Cadets (well, yeah...)
Mark Capon (004) joins. Search for the Edible Man 7" recorded at Jim Marrer's House
Self titled full length is recorded in 48 hour frenzy by Jim. It gets released about 2 years later.
Mark Capon goes off to school. To compensate for the loss, two new cadets are added. Rick Colado (006) plays bass.
David Organes (005) dances.
Self Titled first full length finally released. Hal Warth assists in cover design, berates album.
Isaac Bear (007) joins band as guest when recording starts on 2nd album.
Brian Hicks adds Sax to Threat of Winds while producing tracks for Atoll, bcomes 008
Dave Diem sets up eastern tour dates. Longest Cadetian tour up to that point.
Cadets play MACRoCK festival. Last minute shuffle by event organizers witnesses Cadets nearly commiting arson through
rock and roll buffoonery (Small house + flaming drums).
Chad Matheny (009) contributes Banjo to Far Beyond Mystic Conditions. 007 made full time cadet by default.
009 made full time member when 002 finds love. (No, he didn't marry Chuck, either.)
Conditions on Alpha Atoll release show kicks off Japan tour. Album not available at release because Cadets neglected to select
a finish for the tray card paper.
Cadets spend 18 days in Japan, and feel tall.
Atoll released while Cadets are still in Japan. Hal Warth does not assist in cover design at all, but insists upon berating album.
Cadets make radio appearance on Jacksonville local music DJ Flounder's "Native noise" Show
The Cadets next release will be out soon
Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32210 (904)-389-0686