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The Story So Far
(a chain of events)

  • Charles Smyth (003) and Pete Cochrane (002) form the band "Pete loves Chuck". (No lie)

  • Cash Carter (001) appropriates Dennie Carter's drumset. Chuck, Pete and Cash form a band which, in one of its first shows, claims the name "Snacky Poo". Another early moniker was "Wall of Koala"

  • They change the name to the Cadets (well, yeah...)

  • Mark Capon (004) joins. Search for the Edible Man 7" recorded at Jim Marrer's House

  • Self titled full length is recorded in 48 hour frenzy by Jim. It gets released about 2 years later.

  • Mark Capon goes off to school. To compensate for the loss, two new cadets are added. Rick Colado (006) plays bass. David Organes (005) dances.

  • Self Titled first full length finally released. Hal Warth assists in cover design, berates album.

  • Isaac Bear (007) joins band as guest when recording starts on 2nd album.

  • Brian Hicks adds Sax to Threat of Winds while producing tracks for Atoll, bcomes 008

  • Dave Diem sets up eastern tour dates. Longest Cadetian tour up to that point.

  • Cadets play MACRoCK festival. Last minute shuffle by event organizers witnesses Cadets nearly commiting arson through rock and roll buffoonery (Small house + flaming drums).

  • Chad Matheny (009) contributes Banjo to Far Beyond Mystic Conditions. 007 made full time cadet by default.

  • 009 made full time member when 002 finds love. (No, he didn't marry Chuck, either.)

  • Conditions on Alpha Atoll release show kicks off Japan tour. Album not available at release because Cadets neglected to select a finish for the tray card paper.

  • Cadets spend 18 days in Japan, and feel tall.

  • Atoll released while Cadets are still in Japan. Hal Warth does not assist in cover design at all, but insists upon berating album.

  • Cadets make radio appearance on Jacksonville local music DJ Flounder's "Native noise" Show

    The Cadets next release will be out soon

    4441 Country Club Rd.
    Jacksonville, FL 32210